

Playbill 2024 Pics.jpeg


Don’t miss out!!!

Be a part of our 43rd Anniversary Playbill!

Put your child in Fancy Feet Dance Studio's “Broadway Style” Playbill!

Don’t miss the reaction of your family and friends when they see your child’s picture and special message in our very own Playbill! Our Playbill is styled after the NYC Theater District. The Playbills are distributed at the Recitals!

What is a Playbill?​

This professionally produced program designed to look like the NYC Broadway Theater Playbill is distributed to everyone in the audience at the recitals.

How do I put my child’s picture in the Playbill?​ You can do this two ways:

The First Option

Have a local business place an ad in the journal, advertising their business under your child’s picture​. The business pays for the ad and it is tax deductible too! Please email business ads to and include your child's name and class.

The Second Option

You can place your own message under your child’s picture. In this option, you pay for the ad.

You may choose from:

Full Page - $185

Half Page - $135

Quarter Page - $80

Footnote (Message Only) - $25

What is my next step?

​After your child's picture day, simply fill out the Playbill form below.

Please keep in mind: the larger the message, the smaller the picture.

The Playbill form must be completed by April 16th.

*On your form please remember to include the photo number*

*Please note pictures for the Playbill must be taken by our photographer*

Ready to get started? Schedule a Class with us today